If you have received a discount code with the registration to our service, it's already associated with your CHILI account and you can use it within 3 days of registration.
You can find it in MY CHILI - DISCOUNT CODE section of the CHILI website/application. In this section you will find all details about your discount code: titles included, discount amount, expiration date.
- choose your movie among those included in the promotion and insert it in the cart
- in the Discount Code section, select the WELCOME DISCOUNT CODE. The title you have chosen will immediately be discounted by the amount foreseen by your promotion
- complete the order with the payment method you prefer among those available
- Discount code cannot be combined with other codes or promotional Gift Card active in your account.
- Movies with HOME PREMIERE in the poster are not included in the Welcome Discount Code.
- The Welcome Discount Code is currently available in UK only