CHILI app is periodically updated in order to introduce new functionalities, to improve its performance or to make it compatible with new Smart TV firmware versions.
If on your Smart TV the latest version of CHILI app is not installed, we advise you to update the app. With an old version of CHILI app, in fact, you could have difficulties with the viewing of movies or with the use of the service. On most of the Smart TVs the update is usually downloaded automatically.
On some models of Smart TV Samsung and LG, instead, it is necessary to update the app manually. You can find the procedure to update below:
Smart TV SAMSUNG produced in 2013:
- Switch on your Smart TV and go to the “Highlights” section
- Go to “Applications”
- Click on “More applications”
- Select “Update Apps”
- Select the CHILI App and then click “Update”
Smart TV SAMSUNG produced in 2014 and 2015 (Orsay operating system)
- Turn on your TV and go to App Store
- Look for CHILI and push the button OK of your remote control for some seconds
- In the drop-down menu select UPDATE APPLICATIONS
Smart TV SAMSUNG produced from 2015 (Tizen operating system)
- Turn on your TV and go to App Store
- Look for CHILI and push the button OK of your remote control for some seconds
- In the drop-down menu select REINSTALL
Smart TV LG produced from 2016
- Turn on your TV and go to App Store
- Look for CHILI and go the detail sheet
- Select UPDATE to update the app
- You can find the procedure about how to update applications (therefore the CHILI app too) on the user guide of your Smart TV.
- In some cases, after the update it is necessary to insert your e-mail and password to log back in to CHILI.